Consider employing smaller, table top displays if you have a small company or are operating a larger firm and are intending on attending a small, local event that can’t handle your largest trade show display. However, just because you have a little display doesn’t mean you can’t create a great impact. Learn how to make the most of your table’s surface area.
Avoid tablecloths with busy prints
The majority of tabletop displays are made to be utilized with a tablecloth or other form of covering. These coverings offer a touch of elegance to your tabletop displays, but you must choose the correct type. Choose a basic solid color that complements your company’s logo or brand colors instead of a busy, printed fabric that clashes with your company’s table top display. It’s also feasible to have your company’s logo screen printed on the cloth to increase brand exposure.
Make sure that the graphics are straightforward
When it comes to graphics for your table top, keep things simple. Although you may be tempted to load as much information as possible onto your visuals, the fact is that visitors will only look at your display for three seconds. They’ll walk right past you if they can’t figure out what you’re trying to market.
To make it simple to notice the highlights of your company, use clean visuals and bold language in bullet points. Large blocks of little text should be avoided since they are difficult to read. Also, make sure that the font color is visible even from afar.
Place literature and business cards in front of your exhibit
One of the most noteworthy benefits of tabletop displays is that you won’t have to worry about fitting a literature rack into your show area. Instead, the table may be used to hold marketing brochures, business cards, and other information that you wish to have on hand. It is critical, however, that your table does not appear congested or overrun with pamphlets. Only a few of them should be visible, and the rest should be buried beneath the table by the cloth. This will keep your table appearing professional while providing extras.
Even if your display is tiny, using a basic and solid color fabric, easy-to-read graphics, and foregoing a literature rack in favor of placing your business cards and marketing materials right on the table will all help your organization make a huge impact.